In typical Tiger Woods fashion, reports came up on his little website about the knee, with basically the exact same thing he's been saying for three months.
I'd stay away from energy drinks over the next 45 seconds because the excitement from this quote with the added push from a Red Bull might just do you in for good.
"The knee is progressing." Woods said. "I'm working hard every day and there have been no setbacks. I've actually started to do a little chipping and putting, but no full swings. That's not going to happen until early next year."
So, did you get that you annoying, stupid critics? His knee is fine. FINE! FINE I TELL YOU!!!!! HE WILL WIN EVERY TOURNAMENT IN 2009 AND YOU KNOW IT! HE'S TIGER F-ING WOODS!!!!
Whew, got a little carried away there. Sorry folks.
(On a side note, while tooling around Getty Images for a picture, the one above came up when typing in "Tiger Woods wife." Now, I love Tiger, think he is a great athlete and a lot of fun and good for all sports, but to find out he drinks Miller Lite has basically made me want to marry him and give him presents on every day of the year. A Miller Lite guy? Really?!?! Tiger, you're honestly as good as it gets.)
Doug Benc, Getty Images
How do we know it's Miller Lite?
There's not enough foam for that to be Miller Lite...
Look at the Bottles!!!
Although my previous comment was a joke, I did not take the time to click on the image and take a better look...
I know, i was kidding as well. Foamy Miller Lite is always a good time.
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