Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Listen, I know this is a golf blog that has nothing to with politics, but I wanted to take the time away to advice anyone and everyone to get off your tailbone and go to the polls.

I'm only 24, so maybe I'm the wrong to be advising anyone on anything, but a lot of my friends have commented on the pain of having to go to the polls or dealing with the long lines. Listen, it might take an hour, it might take longer, but is that really going to be the reason you avoid the biggest election in my lifetime and many others?

Barack Obama, John McCain, Sarah Palin, Joe Six Pack, Joe the Senator -- who cares, just go out, check a box, read the propositions and try to go with what you believe in.

I promise you'll feel a lot better tomorrow if you let your voice be heard.

Okay, back to making fun of Sergio Garcia. GO VOTE!