Thursday, April 10, 2008

Masters on Your Cell Phone?

Do you ever read stuff and think as your scanning the print, "My grandmother couldn't comprehend any of this if I explained it to her in depth for thirty hours straight?"

Oh, just me then? Fair enough.

Anyway, AT&T is doing this Blue Room thing that gives you live video and highlights during the day, which is a bonus if you're at work like me WITHOUT A TELEVISION. Anyway, it gives you an opportunity to waste more time in the office, which is good because luckily CBS doesn't offer something like this during March Madness or anything.

Along with that, they also offer a text message mechanism that texts you trivia and alerts and stuff if you text GOLF (4884) from your AT&T phone. Sometimes, just for fun, I'll text stuff like this just to get instant texts back to make me feel like someone really, really likes me.

If you have Verizon like me, you're pretty screwed, but it's been that way since the iPhone came out and I'm still really bitter about that, so don't get me started.

Anyway, check the Blue Room if you want to watch some Masters coverage instead of working, which is probably everyone in the country.

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