Thursday, April 17, 2008

Is Trevor Immelman Sexy?

I'm not much into analyzing the sexiness of professional male athletes, mostly because they are male and could look like Jabba the Hut and would still get laid 15 times a week.

What has me a touch perplexed, however, is the fact that numerous lady friends have mentioned the sex appeal of Masters champion Trevor Immelman. Most of the emails I receive go something like this - "Ohhh, dat Treva ImmelMAN is sooo hotzzzz." (Note, most of my girlfriends are stupid.)

Anyway, has anyone else heard this? Is this an ongoing trend with girl friends around the world? Is being 5'9" the new 6'4"? Just when I started buying taller shoes...

1 comment:

Andrew said...

i think he's very dreamy....