Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tiger Woods Will Donate a Million Bucks if Reporters Don't Do Their Job

You know a fun way to make reporters feel like compete shit about themselves? Ask them not to ask the biggest question of the day to the biggest athlete in the world, and if they do, pull seven figures away from charity!

That's Tiger being Tiger!

Yes, the above tweet happened before Tiger Woods' press conference on Tuesday, which is a little ridiculous if you ask me. Sure, it might have been in good humor, but how bad is the first reporter going to feel when they ask about the knee, because you know it's going to happen? This is their jobs!

So, yes, someone just ask it and get it out of the way ... or maybe all the reporters should do it in unison, so nobody is blammed.

Also, I'm tossing this out there ... I will donate $100 a charity of your choice if the next time Tiger is at the range, you just walk out and stand in front of him while he hits balls. If he's going to stop us from doing our jobs, I'd like to stop him from doing his.

Update: Tiger said he'd still donate the million even though the first question was about his injury, so he was joking. That kidder! Always there with the jokes! Why, slap my leg and call me Sally!


Anonymous said...

Oh c'mon, journalist can get too defensive.

It's a joke. He doesn't feel like answering the same questions he answers every day.

Maybe the public actually understands he has no idea when exactly it will be healed.

Is your job reporting on the obvious over and over and over again?

Shane B. said...

Well, sadly, this was mostly satire as well.

Anonymous said...

@Shane B - most times when it is written it is very difficult to see the satire. So in future maybe you should put in () tongue in cheek.
I was about to write a comment when I saw your comment here