It seems the years of players dominating in the wins category are finished. No more 11 win seasons for guys like Tiger Woods and Vijay Singh. No more three major years. It just doesn't seem likely right now.
But that doesn't mean we can't have people dominate. It's just going to be different. Last year it was Matt Kuchar who never seemed to finish out of the top-10. He was a machine, and although he only won once, it was still an incredible year considering the talent pool currently hanging out on the PGA Tour.
This season that title has been taken over by Luke Donald. Yes, he only has one win, but the guy hasn't finished out of the top-10 on the PGA Tour since February 20! He has tied for fourth in both the Masters and the Players, and is a win away from being ranked the top golfer in the world*.
But what does Luke think about all this? Well, it appears the Englishman is finally accepting the role of being a badass on the golf course.
“I think I’m the most consistent right now. I feel I’ve proven that over the last few months,” he said. ”I don’t know whether you choose someone who’s won Majors or go with someone who has chances every week, but naturally my view is consistency pays.
“Does the way I’ve been playing make me best at the moment? Yes, I think so.
“And there’s a good possibility I could take over anyway this weekend. A win here would definitely get the job done.”
Pretty impressive stuff from Donald, who has never seemed like the self-assured golfer that someone like, say, Tiger Woods is behind a microphone. Donald finished second last week, and is the favorite at the BMW Championship that kicked off on Thursday (another week the European Tour field outshines the PGA Tour), where Donald opened with an incredible 7-under 64.
He's leading, and might just be the most confident, and best playing golfer in the world. Don't believe me? Just ask him.
* - you know how much I hate the world rankings chatter, so I apologize for including this. I'll put a dollar in the OWGR jar.
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