The Skins Game announced their competitors for Thanksgiving weekend and it appears Stephen Ames, Phil Mickelson and Rocco Mediate weren't enough. They added K.J. Choi after supposedly going after Anthony Kim.
I mean, Choi seems like a really nice guy and all, but this competitions is known for the personalities as much as it is the golf. I love his golf game and all, but how many jokes is this guy going to crack?
However, if Choi goes all "pink skirt" on us out there, all will be forgiven.
Shane, could your opinion be in part b/c he doesn't speak English very well? I know you probably didn't intend it that way, but I think most people would question his involvement for the same reason as you. But when you think about it, isn't it pretty obvious why he's not a good fit for the Skins? Just thought it was an interesting post considering the recent issue with the LPGA.
Yeah, I was thinking that when I wrote it. I knew that someone would take it that way, but it's really just because the Skins Games have always been about personalities and it is very hard to translate him over.
Very good timing for the Skins Game to announce this.
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