Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hunter Mahan Laughs at Tiger Woods' Intimidation Factor

Here is a stat for ya ...

Tiger Woods, 33, has won 71 PGA Tour events including 14 majors.
Hunter Mahan, 27, has won one PGA Tour event and zero majors.

That didn't stop the stylish Mahan from saying that Tiger doesn't intimidate anymore, mainly because he lost a major he was leading after 54 holes and people saw a chink in his armor.

"We stopped being intimidated by him," Mahan said. "No one is scared of him. We saw Y.E. Yang play with him and flat-out beat him at the PGA last year. I think people have figured out he's just a human being."

You can't help but read that last line as a little nudge at the whole cheating fiasco. Yes, he's a human being, but you knew that before he lost to Yang at the PGA. Now, with all the infidelity stuff coming out, it makes it a lot easier to see Tiger as vulnerable, with the voicemail and the sex rehab and the "oh my life is perfect" veil being removed.

Mahan continued ...

"It's an opportunity to step up and show this is not a one-man tour," Mahan said. "Hopefully, Tiger will come back and be part of it, not the centerpiece."

I'll be honest, it hasn't been a one-man tour for about four years, but that still doesn't take away from the fact that golf needs TIger way more than they need EVERYONE else. Tiger could play 18 holes by himself in a made for TV spot and it would get more ratings than the Sony Open did.
