You either love him or hate him, but probably hate him a lot more than you wanna hang with him. He's Johnny Miller, and for lack of a better
Monte Burke of Forbes.com talked with the NBC announcer, and pulled out a few gems from the two-time major champion.
First, and this one is my favorite, Miller answered the following question with this response, that really has nothing to do with what was asked.
Q. What's your take on the overall state of the game?
Johnny Miller: They've got it really good. The Tour is a fantastic place to be right now. I don't look back and say I got hosed. I think our era, if you don't count money, was maybe the most exciting era. You had Palmer, Nicklaus, Player, Trevino, [Raymond] Floyd, [Hale] Irwin, [Tom] Weiskopf, myself and Hubert Green. It was a golden age of golf from 1970 to 1980. I don't know if there will ever be one quite like it. Every era has two or three great golfers. Our era had six to 10. I probably shouldn't say this, but if I had played in the [Greg] Norman-[Nick] Faldo era, instead of winning 25 times with two majors, I probably would have won 40 times and had six majors. That era had [Fred] Couples, Norman, Faldo and [Curtis] Strange, but it didn't really have guys who could play on Sunday. We had the great era of Sunday players. There's a lot to be said for that.
I played the game super aggressively, more aggressively than Tiger does now, very similar to the way Phil Mickelson and Arnold Palmer play.
Like my buddy Ryan Wilson points out, it doesn't matter who you played against if you couldn't putt consistently. Also, I personally don't think Miller ever had the mental capacity to win six major championships. One major, the 1973 U.S. Open, Miller went out an hour before the leaders and shot a salty 63, hardly the pressure that he might have felt if he was leading all three days. The other major was a six-shot victory, again playing too well to feel the pressure that comes when you have a shot or two lead at a major coming down the stretch.
Oh, and as for his current job, he wants you to know he does that better than anyone else too, just in case you forgot for a second he's the best around.
Johnny Miller: I don't want to brag, but I do more homework on the course than any other announcer. I chart the greens to get all the breaks. I walk down into the greenside bunkers. I walk into the fairway bunkers to see whether a player can reach the green from them. My goal is to get to know the course as [well] or better than the players.
I really wish I could start a list of things people should never say. Miller's would be, "I don't want to brag." Stephon Marbury's would be, "This might sound crazy, but ..."
h/t Shackelford
I don't want to sound like I think Johnny Miller is a complete jerk, but....
He is complete jerk. I recapped his nine players against nine recent golfers and the current group has 58% more victoirs during an identical time frame. He should do his homework on stuff that comes out of his mouth inaccurately...
True, Johnny brags a lot but he is still my favorite announcer. As a player he didn't have the longetivity but certainly you have to admit he had the brilliance in his era.
Undoubtedly one of the biggest pricks the games has ever seen.He absolutely personifies the arrogance that seems to come from his pie-hole on occasion... It IS who he is. Now I am old eneoigh to remember just how good he was for a stretch of about three years in the mid-seventies. His mid-iron play was perhaps the best one had seen since Byron Nelson (who gave Miller great kudos for his level of play). But when the conversation turns to the best who ever played the game, Miller is not on most people's lists - and that's from the players on down to us. One imagine that irks Miller to no end. And one way he can rub all of our faces in it is to act as if he is the Oracle, the Paraclete of Jaborca. He'd do well to remember Tom Weiskopf's famous retort while covering the Masters when he was asked by jim Nance what was going through Jack Nicklaus' mind while he was making his last run for a green jacket in 1986: "If I knew the way he thought I'd have won one of these things." In Johnny's case, a little bit of knowledge is a hugely dangerous thing...
But he's the perfect arrogant dick...that photo just proves it. And he's still that person in his mind's eye. As long as I don't have to live with him, I love him.
I totally agree and would state that God wasted a perfect dick by putting ears on him. The way he bashes players is incredulous. He cannot stop swinging on the nuts of past legends. His open celebration of the issues both Tiger and Phil have with their game is just pathetic. I wish the golf world would exercise him like some demon from a Robert Rodriguez movie.
Johnny Miller is a putz. I hate hearing him on the tv. He is so biased. Makes me wish he would play 18 against me so I can kick the crap out of him and tell him to shut up. Man he sucks
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