Friday, June 26, 2009

Ian Poulter Seems Like a Cool Guy

People bitch about Twitter all the time, but it's mostly the folks that don't really get it. A few rules I live by on my Twitter (or at least try to) are as follows.

1.) Don't tell people what you're eating for dinner or if your dog is sick. Nobody gives a shit. Trust me on this.

2.) If you're a celebrity, you can write whatever the hell you want because even if you say, "Oops, just tooted," 11,000 followers will @reply you "Oh my god, me too!"

3.) Stick to what you do best. If you're funny, be funny. If you're smart, be smart. If you're neither, delete your account.

Ian Poulter basically dominates all Twitter rules. The guy gives us insight to what his life is like, and appears to be just another normal guy with an incredible golf game. His latest Tweet made me appreciate him even more.

hi folks been crazy busy sorry no tweets, IJP is going to wimbeldon 2morrow with my best man, watching murray, having a good few beers

I'm not really into sharing personal stories that aren't golf related, but I have to share this one. Back in '04, I was in London studying abroad and me and two of my buddies decided to go to the Queens Club, the grass tournament that precedes Wimbledon. We get there, and buy our tickets and go to the concession stand to buy a beer and the things are like 5 pounds a piece, and we're some of the most broke people that didn't live on the street you will ever meet.

I buy one, my buddies defer, and as we're walking by some worker, I joke, "Damn, wish we could just bring a cooler in." It turns out, you can, as long as the beer was Stella (the sponsor at the time). You have never seen three men run faster in their lives. We go to a corner store, buy a few 4-packs of Stella (and got a free Stella polo to boot) and went back to watch tennis. I'm not sure if Wimbledon is like this, but it should be. We had more fun that day than any other day abroad.

Why am I telling you this? I don't know, but I do know that if this was the case at Bethpage Black last week, some Long Islander would have passed out in a bunker.