Tuesday, February 7, 2012

It Appears I Won't Be Playing Golf in Texas Anytime Soon

I was born in Texas. Grew up there. Knew nothing but the Lone Star State and bluebonnets and David Crockett and the San Jacinto Monument. But the one thing I know the most about Texas is there are some wacky ass people there.

Introduce a gentleman in Fort Worth that, after being approached by another man about letting the group through, stabbed the guy in the leg with the broken end of a golf club resulting in the guy possibly losing his freaking leg because of it. Seriously.

According to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Clay Carpenter approached a foursome in front of him asking if his group could play through. Words were exchanged and the person that eventually stabbed Carpenter in the leg swung a club at him first, missed, and then broke the club and bludgeoned the poor 48-year-old with it.

Here are the details ...

A foursome was playing the back nine ahead of a threesome, Grisham said, and the three golfers believed the foursome was playing too slow and wanted to play through. 

Carpenter said a course marshal instructed the foursome to allow the smaller group of golfers to play through, and that’s when the "gentleman’s game" turned ugly. 

As the golfers were fighting, Carpenter said he was on top of another man when he was stabbed with the golf shaft. Grisham said Carpenter lost a lot of blood and was "very close to death." 

Carpenter said the man who stabbed him "was not willing to defuse anything, nor was he willing to accept 'please just let us go on.' " Carpenter said he believes that the golfer who stabbed him first swung the golf club at his head, but he grabbed it and broke it off at the end.

I mean, people are crazy and when you mix that with golfers plus Texas it is bound to get nasty, but seriously? Stabbing a dude because you guys are too slow?

Let us quickly go over some common golf courtesy rules thanks to Johnny Psychopath.

-- Don't keep the group behind you waiting.
-- If you are, and the group wants to play through, let them.
-- If the group that is pushing you wants to play through, don't stab them with anything that could threaten their life.

Alright, glad we got those out there.


Anonymous said...

That's another example of poor sportsmanship,pure and simple. Now, come on, get real, who brings a knive to a gun fight!

Anonymous said...

I believe this goes WA-AAAAAYY beyond sportsmanship (pure and simple). But we cannot know for sure because we weren't there. Rarely does a person snap so violently because of a simple request. I wonder if the trailing threesome was provoking the slower group with catcalls or comments, disturbing their play before asking to play through. I wonder if the attack happened after the stabber had a fight with his wife.
Whatever. The dude should be convicted, but I bet some clever lawyer will make up a bogus syndrome to excuse his behavior...
Ever heard of road rage? Well, now we have a new disease called 'Fairway Fury' or 'Back-nine Blackout'.
"Your honor, clearly my client suffered from 'Titleist Turmoil'. He should be released with our apologies.

Anonymous said...

I agree, this is very poor sportsmanship.. You should never try to play through on a course in Texas. That goes for Sun City as well.

Anonymous said...

I almost saw this happen on a Play The West trip in western Nebraska. People are just plain nuts!

Anonymous said...

Eight years of George Bush and twelve years of Rick Perry and you don't think something is wrong with Texas...

Anonymous said...

Everybody should stop busting their ass to play golf like you were on the freeway. if you can't relax rthen find another fast lane to use for your stress relief or outlet

Anonymous said...

You let one group play thru then the next one then the next one where does it stop ? If you let groups play thru it just slows down play! Chill out and wait your turn we all paid our money and the remote for your TV will be waiting ! everyone is in a hurry to go nowhere !

Anonymous said...

That would never happen a lakeside shane

Maurice.W said...

I'll be sure to keep your golfing tips in mind. Thank you very much for sharing them.
mill pond golf

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