Thursday, February 9, 2012

Rory McIlroy Once Posed As a Fake Photographer To Watch Tiger Woods

Here is a story that shows just how important Tiger Woods is to golf and just how young a lot of the golfers are compared to Tiger these days. Rory McIlroy told the U.K. version of ESPN (Ed. Note: Think all they talk about is Tim Tebow as well?) that he once posed as a photographer to get close to Woods in Dubai.
"I remember I played on Thursday morning, and then on Thursday afternoon Tiger Woods was playing," McIlroy said. "I came out in the afternoon and took one of the photographer’s cameras off of him and was able to follow inside the ropes, which was pretty cool. That was my first real taste of Dubai, and I’ve been coming back every year since."
Ahh, look how cute Rory is?!

I do think this is a fun image to conjure up. When I was in college once I convinced a security guard at the Tucson Open that my buddy was my cameraman to get him in for free, so I guess it isn't the first time someone has done this, but news flash, my buddy didn't win the U.S. Open by eight shots as a 22-year-old (Sorry, Will).

I love that deep down every professional athlete is still a big fan of the game, and of greatness, and has always done what they could to see the best play their favorite sport.

McIlroy was a child prodigy much like Tiger, so seeing Woods in the flesh was probably soothing for the young Irishman, and now look at him ... a spitting image of Tiger right down to the developing biceps.

 I bet somewhere, a young kid is sneaking into golf tournaments in 2012 to watch Rory that will eventually win majors. It's just the beauty of the sports cycle.

Getty Images


Will said...

No offense taken! Thanks for the shout-out! ha!

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