Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Tiger Woods Was A Honorary Captain for Stanford (And They Lost)

At the Fiesta Bowl on Monday, Tiger Woods was asked to be a honorary captain for the Stanford Cardinal, and he did just that, walking out with Andrew Luck and three other guys that aren't nearly as important as the first two. Tiger sported his usual amount of dorky (seriously, a white belt with jeans? What is this, '80s karaoke night?) and wasn't much help on the luck side (heyy-o) as Stanford fell in overtime to Oklahoma State.

The good news is, Tiger wasn't the only big name golfer in attendance. Michelle Wie was also there supporting her squad.

(Photos courtesy of Getty Images)


seak said...

I was waiting for someone to point out the white belt :)

Congrats to Rickie Fowler on the win, but what he was rocking hair wise is not a good look (also no wearing jersey's as an adult unless you're playing in the game).

Mark said...

Just going to change my white belt...

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