Friday, January 20, 2012

TIger Woods on Hank Haney Book: 'Unprofessional and Very Disappointing'

It figured when Tiger Woods first caught wind of the Hank Haney book about him, coming out on March 27, that he wouldn't be happy, but that would be typical for just about anyone hearing of a former coworker writing something about them.

But to hear Tiger speak up so quickly about it, and be so honest, was a real shocker considering his recent track record with revealing anything to the media. Tiger spoke with ESPN's Bob Harig about the book, titled "The Big Miss," and his words were very to the point about just what he thought of his former coach.
"I think it's unprofessional and very disappointing," Woods [said], "especially because it's someone I worked with and trusted as a friend." 
"There have been other one-sided books about me, and I think people understand that this book is about money. I'm not going to waste my time reading it ... I just think this book is very self-serving."
Haney, of course, was Tiger's swing coach for six years before the two split back in May of 2010, and the book he is coming out with is sure to have plenty of tidbits most don't get from outside the ropes of the Tiger camp.

Personally, I think it's complete bollocks that Haney would write this. Yes, making money on something is important, and we all do that with Tiger and his golf game/personal life, but I'm not sitting on Tiger's couch each afternoon chatting with him only to head home to my computer and type up the latest gossip. Haney was in his inner circle, and did hear things that Tiger, or anyone, wouldn't want relayed to the masses, yet he's going to be giving that all away in a book that Woods can't read before or ask for omissions.

I hope the book doesn't dive too deep into the personal stuff. I hope it is about his golf swing and the years as his coach and how Tiger handled certain things with him. Call him names. Poke fun at his personality complexes. Begrudge him for going weeks without contacting you. But I sure hope Haney doesn't break the man code he signed when joining Tiger as a coach and toss out everything he knows about the guy.

Other Golf Posts:
-- The many funny faces of Colin Montgomerie
-- Tiger Woods won't play with Tim Tebow, so which NFL quarterback is he linked with?
-- A blogger gets served by a golf club company

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seak said...

Well said Shane

John said...

Wait a minute, Tiger Woods called someone ELSE "unprofessional and disappointing?" Tiger freaking Woods?

My irony meter just exploded...

Anonymous said...

I couldnt agree more with John. Allow me to add:

"especially since because it's someone I worked with and trusted as a friend"

Im pretty sure your wife trusted you as a husband and your kids would have trusted you as a father had they been old enough. Havent you ever heard of karma? One can only hope you take those millions of dollars, stick them down your throat and choke on them. The guy code is destroyed when you treat the people around you like crap. Good for Haney!

Anonymous said...

Let's not put all this on Tiger...I first got to know Hank Haney 24 years ago and it does not surprise me that he is trying to make money with this book. He is such a "want to be" type of "club golf pro" that it's funny. Funny because the word behind his back is that a tour pro that can't find his game goes to Haney for a fix and after one month retires because Haney has totally messed him or her up! This is why I was shocked when Tiger hired him (Tiger is good friends with Mark O’Meara). And still don’t understand why the Golf Channel would produce a show that had this tool on it trying to help Sir Charles and others play better golf? A lot it did Sir Charles, he stopped playing all together!! Haney is as personable as wet card board. The only real credit he got for helping a pro was Mark O'Meara and if you look at Mark's swing as an amateur and a pro before Haney and now, it's never changed. I used to watch Haney give lessons to O’Meara and Haney never changed a thing, they just talked about BMW's and where to eat! Not one “club pro” that I know that has ever worked with or for Haney likes him personally, that says something, Haney is arrigant and spoiled and thinks he is a star. If you don’t have something he wants or needs, just step aside. Just ask his X.

Anonymous said...

Woods profession was playing golf and as such, he was one of the most professional golfers of all time. He was also a big time cheater but that doesn't have anything to do with his golf playing, it has to do with his morals. Shane also has shady morals and he did break the bro-code. I hope his book flops.

Anonymous said...

u all should just leave tiger wood alone,let the man live his life how he wan'ts tohas for hank i'ts all about money.look in to all of your pass before u all jump on tigerwoods

Anonymous said...

has for tiger wife,all she wanted was the money leave the man alone

Anonymous said...

all of u are a bunch of leach.

Anonymous said...


distant215 said...

It's hard for people to live their own lives and make their own money. it's sickening. loyalty means nothing these days. the men act like women, the women act like men, no examples. now tiger, at the end of the day is no different than any other guy. we made him an icon not a god. then the media tears him down for an infidelity. we are all infidels in our hearts. there is no such thing as loyal man or woman. his personal life is his own repect it as you would expect your to be kept. NO HONOR. hey tiger hire pets next time. cause men will fail you from jealousy.

Anonymous said...

Tiger Woods acted if he was perfect, and that's why his golf game is crap now. If his off course activities had nothing to do with his golf game, he would still be winning. I don't even play golf but the way he is playing now, I could probably beat him. He is so shook up because everyone knows he is not the "angel" he portrayed himself to be. It's his own fault. At least the rest of us know we're not perfect. I guess now he knows he isn't either. Plus, he couldn't deal with the way white america perceives him now. I hope the guys tells it all.

cassandra miles-kates said...

For all have siined and come short of the glory of God I am a christian the words say to restore a brother or sister because you may never know if you self would fall into the say thing. If the word of God is not given you your answer on this matter much growth in your life is still to come!

Anonymous said...

iger has his own heart to deal with, and I am sure he hurts. He has to re-build his game, and his reputation. I think we need to let him do that but I also think if he wants to maintain his status, he needs to be held accountable. I think he is basically a good guy who found out he could get things, and got too much and lost control. He need forgiveness, but has to be responsible!

Anonymous said...

If I couldn't spell a simple 2 letter word such like "as", I'd stay anonyomus too. Try using it correctly in the sentence also. Geez!

Anonymous said...

Remember the character Mr. Haney on Green Acres. Do anything to make a buck out Mr. Douglas. Well, now it is time to call Hank Haney..... Mr. Haney!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You self righteous guys are hilarious. Do you harbor the same feelings for the adulterous acts of Newt Gingrich, John Elway or Bret Favre? Here in Indianapolis Peyton Manning (Tiger’s old running buddy) has been seen around town frolicking with women who clearly aren’t the mother of his twins. Where’s the outcry over these guys???

Anonymous said...

Enough already Tiger. Unprofessional! Why, because the coach that you decided to get rid of, writes a book? BOO HOO baby tiger, I think you are just upset that you cannot dictate what Haney says, like that farce of an apology you laid out to the press years ago, that you had to dictate who was in attendance . You are such an overblown control freak-jackass and hopefully will not break Nicholas’s record of major wins.

Anonymous said...

Okay, yes Tiger screwed up and bad, But I dare any one to say they're perfect. Haney writing a book like this is not only a violation of "guy code" or "man law" or whatever the hell you want to call it, it's a violation of the trust that Tiger placed in him as a person. If my best friend were to go and publish a tell all book about me, I would consider them nothing more or less than a peersonal Judas.

tiredoftiger said...

I don't think Hank Haney can do any more damage to Tiger's reputations. Tiger pretty much took care of that all by himself. I get so tired of hearing about Tiger when he IS playing, much less when he isn't. I know that isn't his doing but he should be used to pretty much anything that's printed about him by now. I lost all respect for him years ago when he had SOMEONE ELSE "fire" Mike "Fluff" Cowan as his caddie. He wasn't even man enough to do that himself.

Anonymous said...

How did we get to the point that half of tigers life was taken away for something that half of all people do? Time to
bash some lawmakers and religions.

Anonymous said...

Outside the Looking glass...

Tiger haters need to get their heads together. The issue is not about Tigers domestic life, its about Tiger and Haney. Would you want Haney for your friend or confidant. Come on now, step-up to the plate!

Anonymous said...

Why would any celebrity hire Haney now? - Knowing that he will break any confidentiality they had together. I think Haney just did himself in.