Saturday, January 21, 2012

Jack Nicklaus is 72 Today

Jack Nicklaus turned 72 today. 72.  A number that most golfers live their life around. A number that, in essence, is everything we sticks base our lives around. Are we under par or over par? Did we shoot even par? What are the leaders at?

Nicklaus is easily my favorite golfer of all time. The guy was everything you would want in a competitor at a time when golf was basically impossible not to watch. He battled Arnold Palmer, Lee Trevino, Johnny Miller and Tom Watson. He showed brilliance at the age of 22 and 46, and put himself in contention at a major when he was 58. He hit the ball far, solid and was one of those rare people that not only wanted to have the last putt at a tournament, but wanted to have it because he knew he'd make it.

Many people have written tons of better tributes to Nicklaus over the years than my little spill here, but it's crazy to think that the Golden Bear is 72 and time just continues to muster on.

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