Thursday, August 5, 2010

Yeah, That Was a Decent Roll

Just imagine you had a putt from 50-feet to win $10,000. Now, imagine you are 77-years-old, and a female, and, as I quote the incredibly cute Norma Clark, "to get new windows."

That is what is at stake here, and well, just watch. If you don't want to hug her after that putt drops, I feel bad for your soul.

h/t With Leather


Leo said...

Amazing hugz all around! That's a great video, almost as good as the hole in one for a million dollars at Red Ledges in Utah. YouTube it if you haven't seen it, it's awesome. ;) peace

The Armchair Golfer said...

GREAT PUTT. I love that clip. She didn't leave it short, so easy to do in that situation. ;)