Thursday, May 13, 2010

Play Slow, Miss 11 Tournaments

(Ed. Note: I figured it was time to get back to writing about stupid golf stuff, so here goes. I'll try to be as negative and annoying as ever.)

Yuko Mitsuka. That is the name that will forever be attached to harsh punishments. See, Yuko is a Japanese golfer, who some might say is the east's Ben Crane. She plays the game very slow (Ed. Note: Every pro golfer is the slowest player you've ever played with. Mark my words. It's like you're playing with the golfing version of Leon Lett.), and she got penalized last week for playing too slow at the World Ladies Championship.

Getting put on the clock, and actually landing a penalty is the most rattling thing to a golfer this side of "You suck ... ya jackass," so you could see her getting frustrated. How frustrated? She suspended herself 11 tournaments. Seriously.

“This is the biggest fine in Japanese LPGA history and reflects the seriousness of what took place,” the tour’s Hideaki Otani told Reuters on Wednesday. “The player offered to withdraw from those tournaments and the tour accepted that as the right punishment.”

“It will have a serious impact on her to miss these tournaments,” JLPGA chief Hisako Higuchi said after imposing the fine. “Let this be a lesson to other golfers.”

Well, I guess take that for sentiment. She fines herself for all this stuff emphatically and the heads of the golf world over there make it seem like she could have used more of a punishment.

I get mad at myself on the golf course minutely and would never think to just up and quit the game for nearly three months because I felt that was a deserving punishment. Could you imagine if you asked this girl for a gimmie putt in a match? She might sumo your ass.

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