Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Little Something for the Ladies ...

I don't follow Camilo Villegas on Twitter, because he doesn't come off as a very funny guy, and I'd rather not waste my time reading about, well, whatever the hell Camilo Villegas would Tweet about.

But, spotted by Wei Under Par, was a picture of Villegas sans any clothes. He took the picture after a workout, and anyone would have to admit the man is in pretty damn impressive shape. That isn't really why I posted this. Why I did was because it made my morning reading the comments from some of his lady friends.

can you say 6 it Spiderman. Try not to give an old lady a heart attack though. One can dream I suppose

ooooh my! camilo are you trying to give us a heart attack!!

Perdón... Cara? Ahhhh si... Miercoles, camilo, que disciplina... Por no decir otra cosa. Me reservo mis otros comentarios por respeto a mi novio. Notese el énfasis en disciplina... Jajaja

I'm not sure what the last one means, but I'm sure it was something like, "Dude, what is that strap below your boobs?"

Anyway, lady fans, enjoy the picture. I hope that this made your day, or gave you a heart attack or ahhhh si ... mercoles.

1 comment:

kokogirl said...

Wow. Camilo is HOT. Go Gators!