Sunday, April 1, 2012

WFAN Reporters Actually Make Me Feel Sorry for Hank Haney

If you visit this site regularly, you know my feelings on the Hank Haney book about Tiger Woods. Haney taking personal information shared between him and Tiger and printing it to the masses is definitely not my cup of tea, and more than anything, seems to me to be a big bruise to man code.

But somehow (!), two radio reporters actually made me feel sorry for Hank.

WFAN's Craig Carton went off on Haney earlier this week in a telephone interview, calling the former Tiger instructor the "scum of the earth" before Haney finally hung up. The above YouTube clip is basically the meat and potatoes of the interview, but if you really want to listen to the whole thing, the audio is below.

Best way to get over feeling sorry for Haney? Go read the guy's Twitter page. I didn't know it was possible to continually pat yourself on your back via 140 characters, but the man sure does it. I think "The Big Miss" is Hank Haney's favorite book he's ever read.


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