Thursday, October 14, 2010

Transgender Woman Sues the LPGA

It's the type of story that has always haunted the game of golf since the days of Old Tom Morris. A lady that used to be a man has decided to sue the LPGA because of their "female at birth" rule that is in place.

Yep, a transgender female is taking it to the LPGA because they won't let chicks that used to be dudes play on their tour. The person in question is 57-year- old Lana Lawless (Ed. Note: If you want to be taken seriously as a chick after once being a dude, don't pick a name that sounds like a cross between a stripper and porn star.), who changed sexes five years ago and won a 2008 long-drive competition for women with a smacking of 254-yards (yesh, sounds pretty girly to me).

She is suing the LPGA, three LPGA sponsors, and the Long Drivers of America, basically saying it is wrongful to discriminate against people that are "legally female."

"I am, in all respects, legally and physically female," Lawless said in a statement Wednesday. "The state of California recognizes me as such and the LPGA should not be permitted to come into California and blatantly violate my rights. I just want to have the same opportunity to play professional golf as any other woman."

All jokes aside, I don't care what someone claims themselves to be (trust me, a lot of times on the golf course I call my guy friends girl names, especially when they leave putts short). I don't care if you're straight, gay or transgender. The only problem here is if your old man self is giving you different advantages that females born females don't have.

That said, I talked with some LPGA players yesterday about this issue, and they all said the same thing - "Let her try to get through Q-School. She won't make it." It's true if you think about it. Golf is way more about getting the ball in the hole from 100 yards and in than it is about hitting the golf ball 20 yards further than your opponent. A transgender might be able to put a little more pop in the ball off the tee, but if Lana Lawless can't putt, she won't be getting very far professionally.

1 comment:

PPP - PennyPencilPixel said...

interesting topic dood. i agree that golf is about getting the ball in the hole from 100 yards in. Thats where the art comes from...

Let Mr. Tranny play. Lets see if he gets thru. The PGA let Sorenstam and Wie in their events. I hope the LPGA reconsiders...