Thursday, October 8, 2009

And Your Depressing Thursday News

I always love Thursday for a number of reasons. Want to hear them? Sure you do. I love Thursdays because golf starts, there is usually a college football game that night, it's almost Friday, and basically is Friday since nobody does anything on Friday anyway, and if I watched network television, it's when all the good shows come on.

So, it's Thursday, woohoo! Oh, and some lady got hit by a golf ball and died. Oh.

Charity volunteer Janet Llewellyn, who was 66 and lived in Balloch, Dunbartonshire, was injured at Strathendrick Golf Club in Drymen, Stirlingshire, on October 1. She died the day after.

A funeral service will be held on Saturday.

Her son confirmed Mrs Llewellyn was struck on the head by a golf ball which caused an injury.

Yeah, that just sucks. She's was volunteering and died. Sorry for ruining your Thursday.

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