Thursday, March 5, 2015

Bob Barker and Adam Sandler give us our best shot at 'Happy Gilmore 2'

It was pretty amazing, considering how long ago the first fight happened.

Joining the incredible A-list "Night of Too Many Stars," Adam Sandler and Bob Barker gave us a fight for the ages (and considering the "old" jokes, 'ages' is probably spot-on).

Bob might not be as spry as he was back in 1996, but he still took it to Sandler. And we got Chubbs! And the alligator! And Abraham Lincoln!

(And, just for fun, my take from years ago about all the golf-errors in "Happy Gilmore," which actually makes the movie that much more hilarious)


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When the French chemist Antoine Lavoisier published his famous list of elements in 1789, there were only 33 elements, several of which were erroneous. By 1930, the diligent labors of thousands of chemists had increased the tally of naturally occurring chemical elements to 90. More recently, physicists in high‐energy laboratories have been able to create about 20 highly radioactive, unstable elements that do not exist naturally on Earth, although they are probably produced in the hot cores of some stars.

The number of chemical elements has now reached 112, and the list is growing. Fortunately for students, only about 40 are relevant to basic chemistry. Please take a glance at the periodic table of chemical elements (found at the end of this chapter) and find calcium, element number 20. You need to be acquainted with the symbol and general properties of the 20 simplest elements up to calcium, plus another 20 of chemical significance that you will encounter in this book.

Notice that the key concepts of chemistry are set in boldface on their first appearance in the text to alert you to their importance. These terms are used repeatedly in this book, and you cannot master chemistry without understanding them. You can find the definitions of these key concepts in the glossary at the end of this book.
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