Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Official DTCC 2010 Holiday Golf Guide

Hey all, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and a soon-to-be Happy New Year! It's the holidays, and you people need to get some gifts for people. What do you have in mind? Well, jump right in, shall we.

TaylorMade Rossa Ghost Putter -- Listen, I only endorse golf products I actually stand by, and I am in LOVE with this putter. I've had it in the bag for about two months, and have really been getting the ball in the hole better from 6-10 feet. It's pretty, it's white, and it is really easy to line up. Also, good for all handicappers. Last week, three of four people in my group were using this thing.

"Swinging From My Heels", by Christina Kim with Alan Shipnuck -- All golfers need golf books, or what would they read on their way to the next golf adventure? Kim's book is entertaining as hell, and it is a good purchase for both the man and the woman in the family.

The SkyCaddie SGX -- Face it, the older we get, the better these GPS systems get. Just years ago we had to rely on golf courses having the satellite technology in the golf carts, but the new SkyCaddie is basically that in your hand. It's in color ... it's better with everything, and if you are going to get a system, wouldn't you rather have one that gives you the lay of the land over just the ability to find out the pin? Face it, you aren't shooting at pins anyway.

Photo Ball Markers -- It's a simple idea, but cute and fun. Basically, you can put whatever picture you want on a ball marker. Seems like a fun stocking stuffer for the dad with two kids, so he can remember while throwing that tantrum after his fifth 7 in a row that there are more important things in life than your handicap.

The Ecco Golf Street Premiere -- A year into these shoes, and they're still as hot as ever. I have a pair and love them, and already bought a pair for someone I know that very much enjoys comfort when playing.

Cigar Guy T-Shirt! -- Still don't have enough Cigar Guy in your life? Well, might as well get a shirt with his face.


Matt said...

love the look of those Ecco Golf Streets. One question, though - are they waterproof?

Shane B. said...

They are. And super comfy.

Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

proses pencegahan sebagai Obat alat vital sakit ini juga perlu dibantu dari orang-orang yang ahli di dalamnya sehingga pencegahan tersebut efektif dan bisa sesuai dengan sasaran, silahkan baca selengkapnya . Penyakit kanker payudara bisa disembuhkan jika ditangani sejak dini dengan Obat herbal kanker payudara . Anda harus mengetahui gejala-gejala kanker payudara agar anda dapat mengobatinya sebelum terlambat silahkan baca selengkapnya . Tapi jika anda sudah terlanjur terkena penyakit ini, maka pengobatan yang harus dilakukan dengan Obat kutil di alat vital , lebih lengkapnya silahkan baca selengkapnya . Sebelum membicarakan tentang Obat kutil di daerah alat vital , sebenarnya ada hal lain yang lebih penting dari hal itu, yakni tindakan pencegahan silahkan baca selengkapnya . bila kita melihat lebih jauh dan meneliti beberapa kasus yang ada Obat keluar nanah di kelamin yang paling manjur adalah pencegahan sejak dini, silahkan baca selengkapnya . Dan ternyata ada Obat herbal wasir yang secara alami masih bisa dikonsumsi, silahkan silahkan baca selengkapnya .