There is nothing luckier in golf than a hole-in-one. Nothing. Absolutely zilch.
You can be one of the best golfers in the history of the world (clears throat, Ben Hogan) and never make an ace or you could be one of those local scratch golfers that everyone hates because you have 17. A good shot can be a good shot all year long without finding its way into the hole.
That is why this lead sentence kills me.
Look out Tiger Woods, 5-year-old Drew Gray's got game.
Oh yeah Tiger, you better start looking for other work, a 5-year-old made an ace on a 75-yard par-3 last week even though the story goes on to say it doesn't count.
Not to switch gears, but if a 5-year-old cans an uno, who cares if it is on a par-3 course? I'm pretty sure if I was his mom I'd at least cut that sentence out of the story when sticking it on the fridge.
No matter, it is a great accomplishment and you have to be impressed by some little boy that can hit a golf ball 75-yards, fairly straight. That is, if we are assuming it went straight and didn't bank off the rake of the bunker and hit the stick going Mach-3 and drop in.
Sorry I'm bitter, it is just really fun to be a member of the "Get screwed every single time you hit one close" club and hear some 5-year-old is making an ace. He can't even buy a round of beers (unless his dad is really cool)!
1 comment:
I dunno. It's got just as much chance as one's ball going anywhere else on the course. A ball landing on a particular blade of grass on the fairway is pretty amazing if you knew of that particular blade of grass before you hit the ball.
In fact, there's probably more chance of the ball going in the hole as that's what we're all trying to do.
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