Friday, September 18, 2009

More Hole-In-One News Than You Could Shake a Stick At

Alright, ready for more people to dislike? First, I wrote this story up yesterday at FanHouse, but two guys in the same group made aces, both using a 7-iron. They live in a place called Blue Bell, Pa., which is stupid because they don't even make Blue Bell ice cream there, which is fantastic stuff and you should try it if you haven't. Wait, where were we? Oh, yeah, the aces. Okay, so those guys did that over Labor Day.

Now, some 62-year-old lady in England named Ruth Day made two aces in the same f-ing round, from 149 and 162-yards. Also, to make matters worse, Ruth said after the round, "This hole-in-one business is so easy. Sometimes I go out and make three or four aces in a single round. I couldn't imagine being one of those people without an uno. Pathetic."*

And for the kicker, this video is a guy named Jason Hargett, who made an ace at the Mark Eaton Celebrity Classic in Utah, worth a cool million bucks. I actually really like this Jason fellow, just because he does the appropriate celebration when you make an ace worth seven figures. You go batshit crazy.

* = quote might not be true


Unknown said...

I am with you, SB...

I hate all four of them. As a matter of fact, I often hate everyone who has EVER had an ace. Like this morning.

Patricia Hannigan said...

I'm with you guys, I hate those people too, but what I hate even more is the golf bloggers who've gotten an ace and somehow have to find a way to slip that fact into a post and make the aceless loser golf bloggers feel all inferior and self-loathing. That's what I really hate. >B-(

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