Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Two Things I Love -- Being Green, and Gary Players' Balls

Viral golf videos are hard to come by (unless Tiger Woods is tackling some poor sap trying to steal his golf bag), but this outtake video, starring Gary Player, could catch on fairly fast.

See, UgMO, a soil monitoring and intelligence system that's mission is to protect the world’s water supply by reducing water usage made a video with Gary Player, and had the following outtakes as part of their campaign.

I knew Gary Player was a lot of things, but funny wasn't one of them. Not only does he open up about his balls (playing off the golf ball, obviously), but he even admits if he had to pick between his dog and his wife, he'd really miss her.

Watch on, and swing by UgMO to check out how they're trying to make our world a better place.