I'm not exactly sure which coach this is in the middle of the picture Golfweek decided to use for their cover last week, but seriously, could this be less flattering?
I could think of about 47 websites that would have some sort of comment about these pictures that probably wouldn't be suitable for ninth grade, and I almost don't blame them. This is horrible.
Might I suggest, a photo where people are just smiling? Usually those work swell.
Isn't it the editor's call what picture to run? Remember, I don't have a clue...
Shane, I've read enough of your work to know you're not a sexist pig 8-) If Golfweek, or any other publication, put a picture of men giving "in your face" attitude while holding a trophy on the cover, you probably wouldn't even think about commenting. Am I right?
To my knowledge there is no law requiring women to look sweet and pretty at all times. If there was I'd be in jail.
Point taken.
The whole reason I stuck this picture up was because it seemed if you're a golf publication that is widely distributed and you're posting a story of a person or team that NEVER gets exposure this national, wouldn't you want it to look a little less "off?"
They just won the NCAAs and this picture looks like the coach is screaming at her dog for peeing on the carpet again.
At least, that is what I noticed. I'm probably wrong.
(Also, thanks for the "not a sexist pig" comment. Nicest thing anyone has said to me all day :-))
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ninest123 08.01
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