Friday, February 20, 2009

Holding The Door Open Will Get You Shanked

Here is an interesting story about doing something nice for another person (the Golden Rule way!) and it backfiring.

A 50 year old gentleman (no, really) in Florida was leaving a gas station and decided to do what any person with a little upbringing would do by holding the door open for the man entering.

The gentleman that entered didn't say thank you and Gramps called him out on.

Police said the 38-year-old man did not thank the other man, who responded by uttering a sarcastic “thank you.”

The two men got into an argument before the 38-year-old went to his car to get a golf club, which he allegedly used to strike the victim several times in the stomach and legs.

Yeah, so morale of this story. If you try to be a nice guy to someone and the person is totally unreceptive to said generosity, make sure to be the first to smoke the guy in the guy with a five-iron. If you wait, you could get clubbed.

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