We all know Tiger Woods loves the dollar bills. Before EscaladeGate, Tiger was endorsed by nearly as many things as popular Nascar drivers. But when the sponsors dropped, Mr. Woods needed to find different ways to fund his fun. That's why he came out with an iTunes app that will analysis your golf swing. I wrote my thoughts on paying $10 for an app that basically tries to make you swing like Tiger Woods and not yourself, but lookie there, TIGER USES THE APP TO PREPARE!!
That's what his latest tweet said. Tiger, foregoing the usual video taping with coach Sean Foley and looking at it during the course of 18 holes, is just yanking out his iPhone and trying to emulate himself!! BRILLIANT!
I'm going to come out with an app soon called "Ask Shane Bacon a Question" and what it will do is ask me a question. And then I can use it. To ask myself stuff. It seems almost too good to be true! I have so many questions already lined up to ask myself! Do you think $40 is too much for that app?